In a Face to Face developing some time ago, our experts and bodybuilders Rober Castellano and Raúl Carrasco tell us about the best training system . When we refer to what is the theory about the training system most effective? Cuchos refer to techniques such as HST, HIT, Rest-Pause, Hybrid, 5 × 5, Max-OT, GVT…
Month: May 2020
Nutrition tips for vegan athletes.
Nutrition tips for vegan athletes A growing number of food manufacturers and restaurants offer vegan options, making it easier than ever to follow a vegan lifestyle, encouraging a diet rich in fresh produce, nuts, legumes, grains whole grains and healthy vegetable oils. However, going vegan is about more than just eliminating all animal products, and…
Add magnesium and hyaluronic acid for your bones
Two recognized supplements for the joints are magnesium and hyaluronic acid ; Do you use them regularly when you train hard? A competitive athlete, bodybuilder or athlete uses their joints as the basis of their performance and, consequently, needs that extra support that can be provided by combined formulas such as magnesium and hyaluronic acid…
The effectiveness of supersets by Raúl Carrasco
supersets are called the performance of series of two different exercises in a row, but can they be effective for hypertrophy ?. supersets are one of the oldest strength training techniques, but unfortunately, one of the most misunderstood and misapplied. In one case, enthusiastic beginners and even intermediates often put together arbitrary exercises in an…
TIPS FOR THE CONSUMPTION OF PROTEINS One of the many nutritional aspects to consider in people who are interested in looking for changes in body composition related to an increase in muscle mass or a decrease in fat tissue, is the intake of protein in the diet, in this regard There is a large…